Proxying EventQ through TeamForge

EventQ is a key component of TeamForge which extends associations and traceability to third party products like Jenkins, JIRA, and others. Unlike earlier TeamForge releases, TeamForge 8.1 (and later) is equipped with a set of EventQ specific site-options.conf tokens, which if configured, facilitates the proxying of EventQ through TeamForge's web server.

Important: Proxying EventQ via TeamForge's web server is required and has a number of benefits. Without proxying, JIRA integration, for example, is not possible. End-users have a more consistent experience when TeamForge and EventQ use the same host name/port. Another derived benefit of proxying is the ability to run both EventQ and TeamForge on the same server. While you can run both EventQ and TeamForge on the same server, CollabNet recommends such an approach only for testing purposes. It's always recommended to run EventQ on a separate server for optimal scalability.
The following table lists the EventQ specific site-options.conf tokens.
site-options.conf token Default value
ORC_HOSTNAME localhost
ORC_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE This token has no default value. You must enter the path of the SSL cert file once you set ORC_PROTOCOL token to https, which you must if you have EventQ.
Note: About the CA certificate file

The certificate file used for ORC_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE token can be the CA certificate file or the CA bundle. For certificates that are signed by a common CA, this may already be installed by the yum package 'ca-certificates', or can be obtained from a common source, such as

If the certificate is self-signed, this file is likely the certificate itself.

For more information, see the 'Prepare TeamForge' section of the Proxy upgrade configuration procedure.

You can install EventQ on the TeamForge application server (ORC_HOSTNAME=localhost, which is the default) or you can install EventQ on a separate server. You must set the values of the EventQ specific site-options.conf tokens depending on whether EventQ and TeamForge are on the same server or on two separate servers. The following tables list the tokens and their values for EventQ on the TeamForge application server and separate server scenarios.

EventQ and TeamForge on the same server
site-options.conf token Default value
ORC_HOSTNAME localhost
ORC_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE <Path of the SSL cert file>
EventQ and TeamForge on two separate servers
site-options.conf token Default value
ORC_HOSTNAME <EventQ server's host name>
ORC_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE <Path of the SSL cert file>
  • You must create the runtime environment and start TeamForge after setting up the site-options.conf tokens as discussed earlier in this topic.
  • See Proxy upgrade configuration if you already have Orchestrate version 1.4.1 or earlier and are upgrading to TeamForge 17.4.