
API60 [ApiTool] exposes the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP service interfaces for use by Velocity templates.

While the interfaces corresponding to the SOAP API are provided, the implementation is efficient; the SOAP network protocol is not actually used.

Note: API50 is present for backward compatibility and may be removed in future. API44 and API43 are removed completely.


Interface Description
sessionKey Gets the soap session id that should be passed in as the first parameter to soap service methods.
discussionApp Gives access to the methods in the Discussion application.
documentApp Gives access to the methods in the Documents application.
frsApp Gives access to the methods in the File Releases application.
integrationDataApp Gives access to the methods for Data Integration.
newsApp Gives access to the methods in the Project News application.
rbacApp Gives access to the methods for roleā€based access control.
scmApp Gives access to the methods for version control (SCM) integration.
SourceForge Gives access to the methods in the main CollabNet TeamForge application.
taskApp Gives access to the methods in the Tasks application.
trackerApp Gives access to the methods in the Tracker application.
wikiApp Gives access to the methods in the Wiki application.
categorizationApp Gives access to the methods in project categorization.
emptyFilter Gets an empty filter that can be passed into methods that require soap filters.
PageApp Handles the activities and items associated with project pages.
PlanningApp Gives access to methods in the Planning application.


This is an example of how you might use some popular API calls in a Velocity template:

## Display Server version, current project title and description
#set( $sessionKey = $API60.sessionKey ) 
#set( $projectId = $PAGE_INFO.projectId ) 
#set( $projectData = $API60.sourceForge.getProjectData($sessionKey,$projectId) )

<p>Server Version: $API60.sourceForge.getVersion($sessionKey)</p>
<p>Project Title: ${projectData.title}</p>
<p>Project Desc: ${projectData.description}</p>