Join a TeamForge site

To collaborate with others on a CollabNet TeamForge site, start by getting a user account.

  1. If your site authenticates through LDAP, follow these steps. If your site does not authenticate through LDAP, skip to the next set of steps.
    1. In the Log Into CollabNet TeamForge section of the site home page, enter your corporate LDAP user name and password.
      Tip: In most cases, your user name and password are the user name and password with which you log in to your corporate network.
    2. Click Log In.
    3. On the Create Account page, re-enter your LDAP password.
    4. Enter your full name and email address and click Create.
  2. If your site does not authenticate through LDAP, follow these steps.
    1. Click Create an Account in the New Users section of the CollabNet TeamForge home page.
    2. On the Create New Account page, enter a user name for your account.
      Note: Your user name must meet these criteria:
      • User name is case sensitive.
      • Minimum number of characters as specified in the site-options.conf file.
      • No spaces.
      • Should have at least one letter.
      • The first character is a letter.
    3. Enter and confirm a password.
    4. Fill in the rest of the fields and click Create.
  3. Check your email at the address that you provided.
  4. Follow the link in the email to the Log In page.
  5. Enter your user name and password, and click Log In.
Your CollabNet TeamForge account is now activated.